Sunday, September 23, 2012


Greetings from a pile of blankets and a cup of warm tea.

Our furnace and water heater stopped working last night because our gas isn't coming into the house for some reason. Thus, last night and today are pajama days. The gas company doesn't take calls on sundays, so we can't even call in the problem until tomorrow.

I'm terribly sorry I haven't kept up posting, but school has been crazy this week. I might post something super duper fashionable in a few days, when we get our heat back and I can stand to be in something less than 2 pairs of pajama pants and 4 shirts. OOTD today would be very uninteresting and basically made of fleece.

In hopes you guys are all warm and cozy, I send you a warm fire and hugs. (Be warned that Christmas music will start playing when you open up the page.)

