Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas At My House

I was thinking about the holidays and what different people do to celebrate. My family celebrates Christmas, and in my house, we have an entire SCHEDULE for Christmas morning, along with a very specific breakfast, and method of opening gifts.

I love the way Christmas morning works out because it creates a tradition and we know what to expect, but still leaves an air of mystery.

So, Schedule.

7:59 : My sister and I wait outside my parents bedroom because we can't wake them up until 8:00.

8:00 : Pounce! We jump on the bed and wake up my parents, telling them "It's Christmas!" and "Get up, we need to open stockings!"

***Note: the rest of these times are approximate, we don't have set times after 8:00.***

8:15 : We all head down stairs together. (Nobody is allowed downstairs until everybody is ready) We all sit on the couches where our stockings were put the night before and look through our goodies.

8:30 : We go around and share what we got in our stockings, one at a time, youngest to oldest. That means me first, then my sister Fiona, then my mom, and lastly my dad.

9:00 : My mom and I head to the kitchen to finish breakfast. I say finish because we make as much as possible ahead of time and the night before. We usually have some sort of coffee cake, bacon, sometimes eggs or potatoes and our special fruit salad with cinnamon stars. (These are just pie crust cut into stars and sprinkled with lots of cinnamon sugar, but they are so tasty it's crazy!) 

9:30 : We eat our special breakfast and talk about how the year has gone for each of us. We have specific dishes that we only use on Christmas morning, including cups that Fiona and I have had since we were tiny. (Although, last year, Fiona's broke and it caused many tears and heartbreak. My mother and I are looking for a way to repurpose it, but that's for another post.)

10:15 : We clear and wash all the dishes. Nobody can open a single present until all the dishes are washed, dried and put away, and the kitchen is clean. (This has driven Fiona and I crazy for years, especially because the presents are just sitting there calling to us to open them.)

10:45 We all head to the living room for gift opening! My sister and I used to argue about who got to "play Santa" and pick which gifts people should open next, but now we share that job. When opening gifts, we go youngest to oldest again, which means me first, then Fiona, mom, and finally dad. One gift at a time, we share it with the rest of the family and move on to the next person. Once dad is done opening his gift, we cycle back to me. This can take up to an hour or two, depending on how many gifts are under the tree and how excited people are over them. (This can cause stopping and laughing or tackling hugs etc. It's great.)

12:00 : We pick up the wrapping paper, take all of our gifts to where they belong and usually everybody but my mom falls asleep.

Our Christmas morning, every single year. Times change a little every year, depending on how long we sit at breakfast etc. But it's my favorite day of the year, no question. We usually have Christmas dinner with extended family, somewhere else. However we have been known to stay in all day and eat dinner at home.

What do you do for the holidays? What do you wear to family gatherings? Do you dress up during the holidays, or does your wardrobe stay casual? 

Comment and tell me! Happy Holidays!



  1. Christmas traditions are great! You're are very different from mine though - but mostly because I live in Denmark where Christmas in celebrated on Christmas Eve rather than on Christmas Day :) A typical Christmas Eve in my family is:
    3pm: Church
    4pm: Back home - sort out the last details.
    5pm: Family arrives.
    6pm: Yummy-yummy dinner is served with Mum's homemade ice cream for dessert. An almond has been hidden in the ice cream, and whoever gets the almond wins a small prize.
    8:00pm: Dinner done, dishes put aside (although not done - fortunately, or I think we'd go crazy!) It's time to walk around the Christmas tree while singing Christmas carols. We get to pick one each - starting with the youngest and ending with the oldest.
    8:30pm: We sit down to exchange presents. The youngest starts by picking one out and handing it to whoever it's for. That person unwraps it so we can all enjoy it (much like at your place :) ), and then picks the next present.

    Just like in your house - this can take a couple of hours depending on how many we are.

    At some point Mum slips out to the kitchen to bring us cookies and other goodies.

    11:15pm: Time to leave for the Midnight Mass.

    1. That sounds like a good Christmas celebration to me. :) Spreading out the joy by having people open gifts one at a time is awesome. I think that makes it last longer, therefore making it more special.

      Thanks so much for commenting!!

      Does any one else have any cool or wacky traditions that they do for the holidays? Please share!!

