Friday, January 25, 2013

Birthday Portrait

My mom has had my sister and I take a birthday portrait every year since we were born, and I took mine for this year in December. My birthday is in June. Yeah, we're on top of things. NOT.

Well this year my mom let me pick the outfit for a change and I think I did a pretty good job. I loved using these sunglasses for a prop, I think it brings more to the pictures. I got them at Ragstock if you're interested. The earrings are just from Claire's. (Also, you can't see it in these pictures, but I'm wearing bright pink skinny jeans and purple converse low tops.)

Add in some attitude...

My bracelets were really important to me in these pictures, and it's a shame that you can't see them so well. I made some of them and others were given to me, so they each mean something to me. Do you guys have any jewelry or clothing that holds memories? Share it in the comments.

Have a great day fashionistas!



  1. You look gorgeous :) And as always I'm amazed by how much you look like the actress playing Lydia Bennett on the Lizzie Bennett Diaries :)

    1. I haven't seen more than clips from the Lizzie Bennett Diaries, but what I saw was extremely entertaining. :)
