Monday, January 14, 2013

Tube Top Tutorial

Hey guys! 

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I got really busy with the end of the semester. So now that I have some free time, I decided to make a tutorial for you guys. In this tut, I will show you how to make a tube top from a T-shirt. Now, the T-shirt should be a size or two larger than your normal size, because if it's not, it could end up being too tight, which would be a shame.

Ok, here goes!

Take one T-shirt, a size or two too big for you and lay it flat, making sure all the wrinkles are out.

Mark two straight lines from the very top to the bottom, just outside of the arm seams. It's hard to tell in my picture, but I used tape to make it more visible.

Now cut along the line you marked.
And you're left with...

This! Tada!

Now mark a straight line across the top, just below the collar, getting as close to it as possible without actually touching it.

Snip snip snip!

Flip the two pieces and line them up, right sides together. MAKE SURE THEY LINE UP NICELY, OTHERWISE THE TOP COULD GET OUTTA WHACK.

Pin and..

Sew up the sides.

Flip it right-side-out

Fold over the top for a drawstring.

Like so, and pin...

Ok, this pic is a little confusing, but basically it means mark the center front and leave a space for the tie. Use a zig zag stitch, as this has more give and allows it to stretch a bit when you put it on.

This is just showing the space to leave open. Mine is actually a little bigger than necessary, I would suggest making it maybe to finger widths wide instead of the three that I did.

Make/find your drawstring. I used strips of a red T-Shirt to accent the words on my shirt.

 I'm assuming here that you guys know how to put in a drawstring, just push it through the tube you made by folding over the top.

Tie your drawstring and TADA you're finished.

Here is me wearing the completed piece! (ignore the messy room please)


Other Side

Thanks guys! If you do use this tutorial, please post your finished pictures in the comments, or if you have questions, ask away. Stay fabulous!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS TUTORIAL!!! And the shirt in real life is nothing short of AMAZING... I would never have guessed in a million years that you DIY'd this, girl! Best of all is the totes ridiculously awesome vintage tee you used... I WANT! -becca
